Invited talks/visits

From June 28-July 14, Professor Zhang delivered keynote speech: ICEM (International Conference on Experimental Mechanics) in Brussels, Belgium, as well as 3 invited talks: University of Huddersfield (UK); IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Auckland, New Zealand; University of Auckland (New Zealand)

He also visited 5 universities to discuss collaborations: University of Huddersfield (UK); Liverpool John Moores University (UK); University of Antwerpen (Belgium); University of Wollongong (Australia); University of Auckland (New Zealand)

Tyler received Assistant Professor offer

Tyler who has received a tenure-track assistant professor offer from University of Iowa. Congratulations!

Tyler is the third students graduated from our lab who become professor in esteemed research universities. (Yajun Wang is an associate professor at Wuhan University, Wuhan, China; and Beiwen Li is an assistant professor at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa)