Brian's team won Malott Award
/Congrats Brian and his teammates to win Innovation Malott Award (1st place)! Well deserved!
Congrats Brian and his teammates to win Innovation Malott Award (1st place)! Well deserved!
Professor Zhong’s paper highlighted as one of the only 3 papers picked by Editors of Optics Express. This issue published 132 journal articles. Congratulations!
The automation work we have done lately appeared in the public news release
Brian Acosta won the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Brian will join UPenn as a Ph.D. student in the Fall. Congrats and best luck for his future study!
Congratulation Tyler (shall I say Professor Bell) for being awarded a US patent on “Method and system for multi-wavelength depth encoding for three dimensional range geometry compression“!
Our paper entitled “Active stereo vision for precise autonomous vehicle control” won the Best Student Paper award at the IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, 2020! Congrats, Jae-sang and Michael!
Jae-sang has successfully passed his Ph.D. defense. Congrats, Dr. Hyun!
Dr. Zhang was named SPIE Community Champion in 2019 for his contributions to the Community, Cheers!
Jae-sang has accepted a R&D position offered by Orbbec, a leading 3D sensor manufacturing company. Jae-sang will move to Troy, Michigan after graduation. Congratulations!
Our following paper was featured on the cover of Optics Express, Congrats!
W. Yin, S. Feng, T. Tao, L. Huang, S. Zhang, Q. Chen, C. Zuo, “Calibration method for panoramic 3D shape measurement with plane mirrors," Opt. Express, 27(25), 36538-36550 (2019);
Our former lab member, Professor Beiwen Li, won the prestigious Rising Research Award from SPIE. Congratulations!
The following paper led by Professor Zhang was accepted by Measurement Science and Technology, Congrats!
M. Zhong, J. Cui, J.-S., Hyun, L. Pan, P. Duan, and S. Zhang, "Uniaxial 3D phase-shifting profilometry using a dual-telecentric structured light system in micro-scale devices," Measurement Science and Technology
A paper entitled "Autofocusing method for high-resolution three-dimensional profilometry,” led by Xiaowei was accepted by Optics Letters, Congrats!
We had a party to celebrate Michael Feller’s graduation and George Gayton’s farewell. We wish both of them well for their future endeavor!
Congrats Michael for successfully defended his M.S. dissertation today! He will join Ford in Feb. 2020…
Congrats Brian in winning the Bottomley Undergraduate Research Scholarship Award for Spring 2020!
Xiaowei’s paper made the list of top downloads in October for all papers published on Optics Express, Congrats!
Michael Feller will join the Autonomous Vehicles team at Ford after receiving his M.S. degree from us. Huge Congratulations!
Warmly welcome George Gayton from University of Nottingham to visit us as a visiting scholar!
Dr. Zhang was promoted to Assistant Head for Experimental Learning of Mechanical Engineering. Cheers!
School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University. West Lafayette, Indiana. 47907.